Analysis port is a part of TLM. Just like other ports (uvm_put_port, uvm_get_port etc), analysis port is also extended from uvm_port_base class.
Outline of TLM
TLM stands for Transaction Level Modelling, which means communication happens between different components by transferring transaction from one component to other [i.e. Sequencer to Driver, Monitor to Scoreboard etc].
In UVM, transaction is a class object, uvm_transaction extended from uvm_object. In simple words, you can also think of a packet class with fields like address, rd_wr, rd_en, wr_en, data etc..
two components are connected, component which transmits the transaction
has TLM port and component which receives the transaction has TLM
export. And connection of this two components happen on any top level
component. Each TLM connection has its defined method, which is called by Port and implemented by "Imp" Export.
Advantage of analysis port over other port is, analysis port can have any number of exports. Single analysis port can have 0, 1 or more than 1 number of exports at the time.
Analysis port requires an implementation of void function write() inside the analysis "Imp" export. Here we can see that, this is non-blocking as write() is a function. All the "Imp" exports connected with particular port has to implement write() method. So whenever port calls the write() function, all the write functions of the connected "Imp" exports will be executed.
If one analysis port is connected with 3 analysis exports then all 3 "Imp" exports should have write() method implemented. It is also okay if out of 3 any or all "Imp" exports have not implemented write() function, as it has been already implemented inside the analysis export class.
// If port has no export connected and still we call write method then which write() method would be called?
Difference between Analysis Export and Analysis "Imp" Export
"Imp" export is just like other analysis export which has implemented write() method inside it.
So analysis export is used for hierarchical connection, where the last component in the hierarchy (or the child component) has analysis "Imp" export with implemented write() function.
Analysis FIFO
Whenever write() function is getting called by port, it will be out of it in 0 time. So if we want to perform any time consuming operation on this received transaction we need some kind of buffer to store this received transaction, Analysis FIFO is that buffer.
Below is the snippet of analysis_fifo code inside UVM:
Last component in the hierarchy can be analysis export which can be connected with analysis fifo as fifo has already instance analysis "Imp" export. So when the export is connected with fifo then whenever port calls the write() method, analysis fifo will directly push the data the queue [as shown in above code].
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